The Causes of Belly Fat


Having belly fat is not only unflattering, it is unhealthy. Excessive belly fat has been associated with many diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and much more. Belly fat is a pointer to unhealthiness. Anyone with excessive belly fat has an increased risk of health-related problems.

Belly fat is also known as visceral fat and this fat surrounds the internal organs such as liver and vital organs.

Here are few of what causes belly fat

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is important to health. Not having enough sleep can lead to weight gain. People who sleep less than 5 hours daily have more chance of gaining weight than those who sleep 7/8 hours daily. Sleep disorder may also cause belly fat. So to reduce your belly fat, you need your beauty-sleep. (more…)

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Fat burning foods


There are foods that help with fat burning, so if you are looking to burn some fat while enjoying and indulging; here are some foods to consider and why.

Chicken breast is low in fat and very low in calories. It fills you up quickly and it releases energy slowly. Chicken is an alternative to meat.  Chicken is a great source of protein, it is lean meat and very low in fat. Chicken tastes great and it is easily digested. One of the greatest benefits of chicken is the fact that it can prevent arthritis and other diseases. It is rich in substances that aid strong healthy bones and teeth in our body. (more…)

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Things you need to know before losing weight.

Certain rules do not apply when you are trying to lose the extra pound. You first need to know that everyone is different with different metabolism. For instance, if Miss Jane lost 3 stone in 3 weeks, there is a possibility that your body might not go through the same pace in losing 1 stone in 6 weeks.

The first homework for you is to understand your body and know how it works. Take time to understand your body and how far it could be stretched. You need to ask yourself if you are truly ready to commit to the challenge ahead.

Below are few home truth about losing weight and what you need to know before starting getting on the train. (more…)

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