

Writer/ Qualified health coach/ Fitness expert

Healthy superfood smoothie

March 26, 2017


Fruit smoothie should be sugar-free,healthy and beneficial to the body. In my  fruit smoothie,I have used banana,mango,berries,apple and lemon. This smoothie is packed with vitaminC. I used mango and banana because of their sweetness and there is no need of any artificial sweeteners . These fruits are natural sweetner, they are rich in antioxidants and photochemical that keep diseases away from your body.The fruits I chose are good for healthy skin and hair. They are rich in beta carotene,vitamin A,E and D. It is a well known fact that fruits lower cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases and stroke. These fruits  give instance energy.

Fruits are low in fat,sodium and calories naturally. They are rich in potassium and help lower blood pressure. Fruits are delicious and some have high water content and prevent dehydration.

To make yourself one of this,you need the following,however you can decide to use fruits  of your choice. You can also use yogurt or milk in place of water.

Here’s how I made mine. You can decide to make yours  differently, the end result is what matters.

Watermelon,pineapple,kiwi,papaya and orange are also great options.

1 medium size mango

2 bananas 🍌

200g frozen berries

1 medium size apple 🍎

Juice of a  whole lemon 🍋

150ml of water

To start with, wash the fruits you intend to use thoroughly  and place on a clean surface. Peel the banana, chop your apple,chop your mango with skin on. Mango skin provides fibre and it is a waste of beneficial nutrients if peeled off and thrown away. Place your all fruits ( including the frozen berries) in a food processor,add lemon juice  and water. Blend until till smooth. You might want to add iced cubes to your blend. Fruit smoothies are satisfying and an easier way to get your 5 a day.

Pour your delicious blend into a wine cup, garnish with a slice of lemon. You can invite your friends over for a nice drink of your healthy drink.Enjoy!

Let me know how you get on with this. Share your experience😀.



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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. alani jinadu

    #Healthy superfood smoothie
    All the fruits you mention are okay my problem on this topic is when you mention using yoghurt and milk instead of water , I know this two items contains fat which I think is not good for some adults.
    But generally from what you have said nothing is as good as natural fruits. thumbs up I like it


      Some people prefer to use milk or yogurt. This is perfectly okay. I used water in the recipe. I totally agree with you,some people are lactose intolerant,yogurt and milk are problematic . It's all depends on what works. For me it's water,for others it might be something else. Thank you sir for stopping by. Enjoy your smoothie.

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