

Writer/ Qualified health coach/ Fitness expert

Exercise regimens for Weight Loss

May 21, 2017

The Exercise for fat burning.
Exercise is not only good for weight loss. It is good for general lifestyle. It helps boost immunity and sustain a good mental health. The truth is if you want to lose weight, you need to include exercise as part of the routine you have in place.
There are easy and enjoyable ways to achieve your weight loss goals. Following a simple exercise routine is crucial. Remember, the watchword is CONSISTENCY.
The following regimens have been scientifically proven to aid weight loss, help with stability and general fitness. To gain the benefit of the following regimens, exercise for at least  20 minutes per session, you also need to exercise three times (minimum) in a week and keep hydrated.


Walking is a gentle exercise. It is safer and easy. You will burn up to 167 calories in an hour if you walk. The rule of the game is to keep a comfortable pace. You know you are walking to lose weight when talking is a bit uncomfortable but it is still achievable. Walking briskly helps with weight loss.

Swimming is an effect way of losing weight. When you swim for an hour, you lose around 653 calories! Swimming a few laps every day makes a huge difference. Imagine losing 653 calories every day!

This is a fun way to shed those unwanted fat around the waist. The constant change in rhythm and routine make losing weight easier. Dancing for an hour will burn about 254 calories. Dancing is easy to take up. You can do this alone or ask a friend to join you. The more the merrier.

This is a good cardiovascular exercise. It has loads of benefits . Cycling for an hour, you will burn up to 508 calories. Taking up cycling can be the change you need to achieve your goal. Have a healthy competition with your friends and reap the benefits  together.

Weight training is one of the few exercise regimes that keeps burning calories 48 hours after you exercise. You burn about 363 calories in an hour. It tones the muscle and strengthens you.


Aerobic exercise can help you lose weight. You burn about 399 calories her hour. There are various types of aerobic exercises  with different results. Deciding on what work best for you is important. Engaging in aerobic exercise few times a week would definitely benefit your body.

Jogging is a general body workout. You will burn up to 435 calories if you jog for an hour. Jogging help in boosting your metabolic rate. It is good for your heart health. It is best to start slowly in order to ease the stress off your knee. The goal is to increase your distance not speed. Jogging help with resistance and self-discipline.

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What exercise regime are you taking on the journey to a better you? Please share your experience.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Abdulraheem

    This is mild.....
    Thank you sis.

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