

Writer/ Qualified health coach/ Fitness expert

The Causes of Belly Fat

August 7, 2017


Having belly fat is not only unflattering, it is unhealthy. Excessive belly fat has been associated with many diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and much more. Belly fat is a pointer to unhealthiness. Anyone with excessive belly fat has an increased risk of health-related problems.

Belly fat is also known as visceral fat and this fat surrounds the internal organs such as liver and vital organs.

Here are few of what causes belly fat

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is important to health. Not having enough sleep can lead to weight gain. People who sleep less than 5 hours daily have more chance of gaining weight than those who sleep 7/8 hours daily. Sleep disorder may also cause belly fat. So to reduce your belly fat, you need your beauty-sleep.

Unhealthy Food

It is a well-known fact that unhealthy food causes weight gain. Foods and drinks such as beer, processed foods, foods with trans fat, beverages, low fibre foods do more than just fat. Foods high in fibre have been proven to aid weight loss. A diet filled with added sugar which also lacks fibre can only fill you with fat.  To get rid belly fat, it is important to increase fibre intake. Reducing the added sugar intake has also been proven to shift belly fat. Beer and other beverages should also be kicked out of your diet.

Low Protein Diet

Protein is important to a healthy balanced diet. Foods high in protein are filling and they keep hunger at bay for longer. Proteinous foods increase the body’s metabolic rate which leads to a low-calorie intake.

Foods high in protein are very good for weight loss while those low in protein promote the growth of belly fat.


The Stress hormone in our body is known as Cortisol. Cortisol helps regulate and suppress our response to stress. Cortisol is produced by adrenal glands. However, excessive production of cortisol can lead to weight gain. People respond to stress differently. Some people overindulge in food when stressed and cortisol often promotes the fat stored in the belly.

Lack of Exercise

It is well-known fact that lack of physical activity increases the risk to many adverse health conditions. One of the many dangers of inactivity includes coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, abdominal obesity and much more.


Women sometimes gain belly fat during menopause. This is because women store fat on hips and thighs at puberty in readiness for a potential pregnancy. The fat around the hips and thigh are not harmful.

However, during menopause, estrogen levels drop and this often causes the fat to be stored in the belly rather than hips and thighs. Some women tend to store more fat around their belly during this period.

The Gut Bacteria

We all have bacteria in our colons. Some of these bacterias are good and they work to our advantages while others behave badly. The unhealthy balance of gut bacteria often promotes belly fat, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.



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  1. Abdulraheem

    Nicely put.

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