My Referencing Points.

Photo by Beth Tate on Unsplash

On the 1st of April 2017, I started my cold water bath journey. I had been reading about the cold water therapy and its benefits weeks before this date and I was taken by its praises. Ordinarily, bathing with cold water wasn’t my thing. Who on earth gives up the comfort of a warm bath for cold spanking?

As I read about bathing with cold water, I imagined taking up this gruesome challenge. For me, it wasn’t for the benefits. No. It was to build a step to mount on. Something to refer to. A referencing point of a thing.


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Social Distancing: Are You Bored Yet?

I was one of the very few who didn’t take Coronavirus seriously. It wasn’t something I wanted to hear about nor know the number of victims it had consumed. With all the madness of panic buying, I stayed calm scoffing at people excessiveness.

About three weeks ago, the reality of the situation we are in struck harder when I arrived at my local supermarket (eight in the morning) and found nowhere to park.

I returned home empty-handed. An empty cabinet stared at me. We had run out of essentials. I sat down hopelessly regretting my decision not to stuck up.


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What Do You Really Want?

A Friend For Life

A few days ago, I got fixated on an article, it must have been the topic that got me hooked, I sank deeply in the softness of my pillow savaging the pleasure this good piece offered.

At the end of this article, I became confused. Not because the writing wasn’t good enough. No. It was one of the best writing I read in weeks. However, I was troubled with the question the writer threw at me at the end.

I have always known what I wanted in life, or so I thought. Things don’t usually land on my plate, somehow I cracked on with the thornsspines, and prickles of life.


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