Cuddling: The magic touch to a happy childhood

I am not sure if I received loads of cuddles as a little child. I remember many pats on the back when I did something good. I remember my father carrying me on his shoulder when I was about 4, I also remember odd cuddles when I was sick, I was a sickly child and I often had my mom sitting beside me crying and praying for me to get well.

My mother was a great mother. She loved me and my siblings dearly, but, cuddling and kisses were not part of the ways my parents expressed their love. I had pet names given to me by both of my parents, but, I did not receive many cuddles nor kisses.

I am sure I must have received all the cuddles I needed for my entire life (from my parents) when I was an infant. When I had no retentive memory. When I was just growing my senses, probably when I was learning to walk or just before I started walking or talking. I have seen pictures of me as a baby being held in my mother’s arm, so I must have received loads of cuddles.

I grew up having so much respect for my parents, but, I wouldn’t just walk up to any of my parents and gave them cuddles, that was not part of my upbringing. I did not remember being hugged by my mother as a teenager either.However, I was well loved, but, not cuddled much.

As I venture further into the world of parenting , I  learnt that cuddling is part of parenthood and it does not have to stop once your child becomes  independent. Children who receive continuous cuddling through their lives tend to benefit more than those who receive less cuddle.


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