How to make Homemade Vapour Rub.

 Vapour rub is known to cure congestion. It is good for cold, pains and stuffiness. It reduces coughs and eases headaches.However, the shop-bought vapour rub contains nothing, but, the waste product of petroleum and unnatural nasties.

Making homemade vapour rub is not only good, it is free from chemicals and residues.It is what you put in that makes all the difference. Using natural oils, wax and essential oils cannot be compared with waste product sticky jelly only fit for dumping ground. (more…)

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How to make anti-aging sugar body scrub

Sugar scrub is very easy to make and it is an effective way to exfoliate. Sugar scrubs remove impurities from the skin and clear the pores from clogging up. Homemade sugar scrub can be used as part of your beauty regimen. Using sugar scrub is the easiest way to exfoliate,soften and freshen up.As well as soften the skin,sugar scrubs also prevent the skin from dryness,it is safe to use on any skin type and children can also benefit from it’s usage.

Homemade sugar scrub can reverse early  signs of aging and removes damaged and dead cells from the skin, it cures and also prevent skin blemishes, acne,blackheads and whiteheads. 

Homemade sugar scrub soften tough skin and it is particularly good for dark elbows,kneel and ankles as the sugar  lighten dark skin areas, it is very good for cracked heels and calloused. (more…)

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