Diced Potato with Mixed Pepper herbs: Healthy and Delicious

Potato has been tagged wrongly due to its starchy composition and its nutritional benefits have been overlooked. However, potato is packed with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that ward off disease and aid healthy lifestyles.

According to Medical News Today “Potatoes contain folate, which plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair, thus preventing the formation of cancer cells from mutations in the DNA” http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles.

Potato supplies our body with vitamin B6, a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fibre, and pantothenic acid.  It is known to lower blood pressure.

Potato skin is also very good. Potato Goodness on her website https://www.potatogoodness.com/nutrition/ says “One medium potato with skin provides 620 milligrammes or 18% of the recommended daily value (DV) of potassium per serving and is considered one of the best foods with potassium. Skin- on potatoes rank highest for foods with potassium and are among the top 20 most frequently consumed raw vegetables and fruits. Potassium is a mineral that is part of every body cell. It helps regulate fluids and mineral balance in and out of cells and in doing so helps maintain normal blood pressure. Potassium is also vital for transmitting nerve impulses or signals, and in helping muscles contract”. (more…)

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Grilled plantain with sunny-side eggs

I have a special relationship with plantain,not because it is a fruit (Yes, it is a fruit),but,it has been an item of food that demands little but offers so much.

Plantains are a great source of potassium. Plantains are ranked among one of the most potassium-rich foods in the world.

Plantain maintains a healthy digestive system as well as boost the immune system. It is enriched with Vitamins C and has a reduced number of free radicals, unlike other foods.

Plantain contains magnesium and Vitamins B6 which aids healthy brain functions.

Plantain is also high-fibre food which helps you satisfied for longer. Plantains are the food to keep if you want to sustain a healthy weight gain.

Plantains are low in fat with a solid source of carbohydrates. They do not only taste good, they have loads of health benefits.

In this recipe, I experimented with roasted/grilled plantain and eggs. This recipe gives you so much in less time. It is healthy and ideal to keep on your weight loss journey. (more…)

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Barley Water: Drink for weight loss


Barley is a plant-based food and it is one of the foods everyone needs to include in their diet. It is not only good for weight loss, it is good for general well-being. Barley contains high insoluble fiber which is very good for the body functionality. Barley is a whole grain which is an important source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are not found in refined or “enriched” grains. Including whole grain in your diet as part of weight loss program has proven to help in sustaining a healthy weight. Barley has also been proven to promote healthy complexion and hair growth. (more…)

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