My Plummeting Confidence.

My confidence did not just plummet and disappear into the faraway, it gradually diminished with worries, doubts and what not. I was not the type of person who could shake the ground with their speech or turn heads in astonishment when spoken. No, I was not.

In myself, I could gentle crept upon a person and made a presence. In my little circus, I was present, my opinionsĀ mattered, I was someone, a little force to reckoned with.

I was sure of what I knew, I could walk up to people without thinking of their views about me. I felt the world under my feet. I radiated confidence. Taking up challenges was seen as part of life and I had a grip over any that surfaced. (more…)

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The confession of my little boy

I cannot remember what the discussion was about, but, I remember my son saying ” Linsey is the favourite in my class, she sits very nicely and reads very well, the teachers like her”.

Pretending I was not paying full attention, I asked nonchalantly, “What about you?”. He continued fiddling with his toys and said, ” I can’t sit as she sits, I get bored and I don’t read as good as she does”.

With this, I gave him a big hug and explained to him how special he is to me and how amazing he is at the things he is good at.

My son is six and he is the most intelligent boy I ever met. The truth is he is not bookish, he does not enjoy writing and you have to remind him of his school homework. He gets bored easily when he is in a classroom setting. He reads because it is part of the family tradition and this routine has taught him to relate to books differently. He has great mathematical skills and that’s all about school stuff. (more…)

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The Caucus of Losers

My early years’ education was a battle for the fittest. Academic excellence was rated at its highest. Children were celebrated for their achievements, but, not in a very healthy way. There were competitions of who knew what. Emphasis was not placed on creativity, it was all about who remember the most, a kind of declarative memory was what my teachers were after.

In this era of madness, some children were unfortunate to get labeled as “losers” while some were classified as “winners”. The “losers” formed a caucus for their leagues. They walked together. Played together and failed together. There was never a mix between those fortunate to be tagged as “Winners”. (more…)

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