The confession of my little boy

I cannot remember what the discussion was about, but, I remember my son saying ” Linsey is the favourite in my class, she sits very nicely and reads very well, the teachers like her”.

Pretending I was not paying full attention, I asked nonchalantly, “What about you?”. He continued fiddling with his toys and said, ” I can’t sit as she sits, I get bored and I don’t read as good as she does”.

With this, I gave him a big hug and explained to him how special he is to me and how amazing he is at the things he is good at.

My son is six and he is the most intelligent boy I ever met. The truth is he is not bookish, he does not enjoy writing and you have to remind him of his school homework. He gets bored easily when he is in a classroom setting. He reads because it is part of the family tradition and this routine has taught him to relate to books differently. He has great mathematical skills and that’s all about school stuff. (more…)

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10 things your kids will always remember.

My childhood experience remains the best part of growing up. I relate a lot to this chapter of my life. It was filled with laughter, exploration, creativity, imagination and pure childhood innocence.

As a growing child, I never knew I was picking up important tools for the future. Tools that strengthen the foundation of growth, nurture and love. Tools that strengthen the bond between childhood and adulthood and everything in-between.

In our busy and modern world, we often forget the importance of growth, the necessary tools needed to help our children grow, not just physical growth, but, the emotional and spiritual growth. The link between the past and the future.

Here are few things your children will always remember as they climb the ladder of growth. (more…)

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54 encouraging words to say to your child.

Parenting can be daunting. The burden of looking after another human can have effects on our relationship with the children. Parents sometimes forget how precious their children are and in the moment of anger and frustrations, we tend to lash out without meaning to.

It has been proven that positive words have lasting effects in shaping children’s future. Expressing how you feel should not be when your child makes you proud, good words and positivity should be part of parenting.

Here are some encouraging words to say to your child daily. (more…)

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