When The Table Turns

There was a young lady I worked with some years ago. She came to work with neatly packed sandwiches lovingly prepared by her mother. She was open about the stress her mother went through in making sure she had something to eat for lunch at work every single day.

At the time, I found it annoying. For crying out loud, this young lady was on placement and in her late teen. How on earth would her mother prepared lunch for her when she was old enough to cook for the whole family?


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The Caucus of Losers

My early years’ education was a battle for the fittest. Academic excellence was rated at its highest. Children were celebrated for their achievements, but, not in a very healthy way. There were competitions of who knew what. Emphasis was not placed on creativity, it was all about who remember the most, a kind of declarative memory was what my teachers were after.

In this era of madness, some children were unfortunate to get labeled as “losers” while some were classified as “winners”. The “losers” formed a caucus for their leagues. They walked together. Played together and failed together. There was never a mix between those fortunate to be tagged as “Winners”. (more…)

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